Allergy Treatment and Testing
More than 50 million Americans have an allergy of some kind. You probably know one of those people or are one yourself. Food allergies are estimated to affect 4% – 6% of children and 4% of adults, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.
Food allergy symptoms are most common in babies and children, but they can appear at any age. You can even develop an allergy to foods you have eaten for years with no problems. Do you suspect you’re suffering from a food allergy? An allergist can evaluate your symptoms and determine the source.
Various triggers that cause Airborne Allergy
Common Dust Allergy symptoms
Tests involved for Dust Allergy
Dust mites- Dust mites usually feed off the dust and moisture present in the environment, they are one of the most common allergens present indoor and can be present all-year-around, apart from dust allergy they can also act as a trigger to asthma and frequent eczema inflammations on the skin.
Molds- They are usually fungi organisms that produce spores, when these spores are inhaled by people diagnosed with dust or mold allergy they can trigger various allergy symptoms. Molds are usually found in places with high moisture content(bathroom, kitchen, wet and damp trees etc.)
Pollen- A lot of people are allergic to different kinds of pollen found in plants, trees and grasses. It is a common phenomenon for people to get dust allergy through pollen.
Frequent sneezing
Runny nose
Red/itchy eyes
Wheezing, tight congestion in the chest
Regular coughs
Skin Prick Test- A small probe containing various common allergens(various concentrations of different allergens extracted) is used to prick the skin after which your allergist will determine whether or not treatment is needed if a positive reaction occurs.
Blood Test- To confirm the above results of the skin prick test your allergist may draw a blood sample and analyze it with the required allergen.
If you suffer from dust allergy then your allergist will try and question you bout the home and work environments, medical history concerning your family and introspect on possible triggers like pets, plants etc.
After performing a skin prick test to identify the allergen and then a blood test to confirm the same your allergist may recommend the following-
Changes in your everyday activities
Various medications
Allergy shots and tablets (subcutaneous and Oral immunotherapy)
Treatments for Dust Allergy

If you think that you are suffering from food allergy or you have any of these symptoms. Please consult a good allergist near you. British Allergy Clinic provides top quality allergy services in London, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester and video consultations are also available. You can directly call us at +44 (0) 7587840618 or fill this form.